Bioras supplies software and technology for research and the industry. We specialize in digital image analysis, video analysis, and ecosystem modelling, but we also have expertise in microbial ecology, physics, automation, and programming in general. We are currently involved in further developing a range of products based on patented technology and we gladly collaborate in joint projects.
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Current Projects
FishGuard is a project for development of a software-based system for automatic monitoring of fish behavior in aquaculture facilities using video cameras. FishGuard has received funding from the the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (3.3 MDKK). Participants: Bioras, Oxyguard International A/S, Fishlab, Aalborg University, AquaPri, Danish Centre for Food And Agriculture, AquaCircle. Project start: August 2012. Bioras role: Project leader, design and development of software for automatic analysis of fish behaviour. For more information see a description of the project on www.FishGuard.dk
The FishGuard system was used for the Revfisk project, where cod behaviour was tracked around an artificial reef in a mesocosm system. See: www.facebook.com/projekt.revfisk.
Ballast Water Investiagation System (BallastWISE) are two projects for development of automatic systems for quantification live organisms in ballast water samples between 10 – 50 µm (microplankton) and larger than 50 µm (zooplankton). BallastWISE quantifies autotrophic and heterotropic organisms using image analystical techniques.
BallastWISE is intended for port authorities, producers of ballastwater cleaning technologies, shipyards, test organizations and ship operators.
The project is supported by the Danish Maritime Fund (ref. nr. 2013-064 Ballast Water Control System) and the Ministry of the Envionment (ref. nr. NST-303-00222 BallastWISE), and is a collaboration between Bioras ApS (project leader),Unit-One, Fishlab and DHI Group.
EcoChange. Ecosystem Dynamics in the Baltic Sea in a Changing Climate Perspective. Project leader: Prof. Agneta Andersson, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Umeå University, Sweden. Project start: 2010. Bioras contribution: Ecosystem model development and implementation. More information: EcoChange webpage, hosted by Umeå Marine Sciences Centre. The project received an excellent evaluation. The collaboration with Bioras was mentioned: “The strategic collaboration with BIORAS on ecosystem modelling has proven to be essential for the programme to address critical gaps and mutually beneficial” (p. 145).
Thiamine Food Webs project. Modeling the role of thiamine in aquatic food webs. Project leader: Dr. Andera Belgrano, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and Prof. Åke Hagström, leader of the Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment. Project start: April 2013. Bioras contribution: Development of an ecosystem model which includes the Thiamine pathway through the food web.
REFA (Renseteknologier til Fremtidens Akvakultur). The project was approved in 2011, by the Research and Innovation Council with a grant of approx. 12 M DKK. The project will run for 4 years and aims to improve recirculation systems for aquaculture and develop technologies for industrial exploitation through cooperation between research and industry. Bioras contribution: Development of surveillance system for land based aquaculture facilities. For more information see the desription on the Danish Ministry of Sciences webpage (in Danish). The project ended May 2015.
Two dimensional oxygen dynamics by multispectral image analysis. Project owner: Prof. Michael Kühl, Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Project start: March 2013. Bioras contribution: Development of two dimensional image analysis software. The project ended 2014.