Frequently Asked Questions
If you do not find an answer to your question on this page, please contact us.
1. Computer requirements
1.1. What are the minimum requirements for a PC running LabTrack?
A standard PC works for LabTrack analysis, 4 GB RAM and Windows 7 or newer is enough. The computational power and disk access speed (if streaming video output) required for online analysis will depend on the number of objects to track, the resolution of the video stream, and the required frame rate.
1.2. Will LabTrack run on a Windows 8 or 10 computer?
LabTrack will work with Windows 7, 8, and 10 (64 bit).
2. License system
2.1. I have installed LabTrack on a new computer, but the trial key that you sent me earlier does not work anymore?
The trial keys are only valid for the computer they were created on. The old activation key will not work on the new computer, but Bioras will issue a new license free of charge under most circumstances.
2.2. Do I have to enter the Trial code every time I open a new session of LabTrack?
During the trial period LabTrack will ask for the code every time you open a new session. For permanent licenses the code is only entered once. The trial version of LabTrack is fully functional.
3. LabTrack
3.1. What is the maximum number of particles that can be tracked and the maximum frame rate for Labtrack?
There is no limit to the number of tracks LabTrack can handle, as long as the organisms producing the tracks can be distinguished from one another. The frame rate that will be achieved depends on the number of particles, the complexity of the analysis and the power of the computer. An average laptop
will usually be able to handle a few hundred organisms at about 10 frames per second, whereas a powerful desktop computer could handle more organisms, in 3D, and at considerably higher frames rates.
3.2. Tracks terminate spontaneously and are continued by a new track.
Tracks are being fragmented.
A. Look for large stationary particles (e.g. dust) at the point of track fragmentation. Take care to avoid unnecessary particles in the material.
B. If the fastest moving objects are becoming fragmented, increase the search radius until their tracks become continuous. Take care not to increase the search radius more than necessary as it increases computational load and makes LabTrack more susceptible to creating false tracks.